Student showing demonstration of robotics equipment

Research and Travel Funding Opportunities

Rutgers is a leading national research institution that provides impactful opportunities across all fields of study to both undergraduate and graduate students. Our faculty are leading experts in all disciplines including arts, humanities, STEM, and social sciences-offering students access to emerging and evolving research activities and opportunities to students through departments, centers, and institutes.

The LSAMP program at Rutgers–New Brunswick provides support to students who are interested in doing STEM research. LSAMP students are encouraged to apply to one or more research opportunities offered at Rutgers–New Brunswick. We also encourage LSAMP students to apply for national and international opportunities at external institutions. Visit our resources page for more information.


  • Requirements to Receive an AY Research Stipend: 

    • Student must be an underrepresented minority in STEM by NSF guidelines (student must identify by Black/African American, Hispanic/Latinx, Native American/Alaskan, Pacific Islander) 

    • Student cannot be a senior (current or rising sophomore, current or rising junior) 

    • Student must be in an NSF-approved major/research project 

    • Stipends can only be awarded for two semesters (after the max. funding is received professors can seek funding for research assistants, or students can receive academic credit for their work in the lab) 

    • Students must submit monthly progress reports and conduct monthly “Researcher check-in meetings.”  

    • Students cannot work more than 10 hours per week (40 hours per month) during the academic year. 

    • Students will receive a stipend of $3,000. 


    Requirements to Receive a Summer Research Stipend: 

    • Students must adhere to requirements 1-5 listed above with receive an academic year research stipend.  

    • Students must work at minimum 30 hours per week.  

    • Students will receive a stipend of $4,000. 


    Requirements to Receive a Travel Stipend: 

    • Students must be an underrepresented minority in STEM by NSF guidelines (student must identify by Black/African American, Hispanic/Latinx, Native American/Alaskan, Pacific Islander) 

    • Students must be presenting at a conference. 

    • The conference must be a held by a STEM professional society (ex: American Chemical Society, American Society for Microbiology, Soil Science Society of America, etc.) or a diversity in STEM organization such as SACNAS. 

    • Students applying for travel stipends must complete the GS-LSAMP Travel Request Form and submit it to the LSAMP office at least 60 days prior to travel.  

    • Form must be signed by students and faculty mentor prior to submission. 

    • Stipends must be provided directly to the student. LSAMP cannot provide payments directly to vendors (airline, hotel, etc.). 

    • LSAMP can only provide up to $750 max in travel awards. Students who require additional funding should request funding from their mentors and/or apply for a travel grant from the conference sponsor. 


    Funding for Research Materials 

    LSAMP students working on STEM-based independent research are eligible to apply for funding to help cover the costs of research materials. Applications for funding must be endorsed by your research faculty advisor. 



    • Student must be an LSAMP Scholar 

    • Student's research must be in STEM 

    • Student research must be supervised by a faculty mentor 


    Required Documents 

    • Submit in a single PDF document a travel request stipend form (PDF) and all additional materials to support your request 

    • Project Overview (3-4 pages) * 


    Funded Items 

    • Research materials/supplies (e.g., books not found at Rutgers libraries, beakers, lab equipment*) 

    • Poster printing 


    Items Not Funded 

    • Accommodation (e.g., hotels) 

    • Transportation (e.g., flights, trains, buses, Ubers) 

    • Meals 

    • Living expenses (e.g., rent, clothes, laundry, internet service, utilities, etc.) 

    • Tuition and/or fees 

    • Per Diems 

    • Internships with companies 

    • Apparel 

    • Gift cards 


    Responsibilities After a Funded Opportunity 

    Scholars are required to: 

    • Provide scanned receipts and other pertinent documents for purchases  

    • Submit a 500-word reflection and/or research documents related to the funded experience 

    Scholars may be asked to: 

    • Serve as an LSAMP Student Ambassador at University to community events 

    • Conduct workshops or act as a mentor to students interested in STEM 

    • Give a presentation at the next scheduled LSAMP workshop