GRE Prep

We offer tutoring and course services to junior and senior students interested in taking the GRE.

Meetings and events hosted by LSAMP for the GRE include:

  • Strategies for taking the GRE exam
  • Full-length past GRE exams

Thank you for your interest in the GRE Summer Prep Course. The specific dates and times are to be determined. In order to get the dates/times scheduled we need the total number of LSAMP scholars who would be interested in enrolling in the course. Eligible scholars include rising juniors and seniors. Unfortunately, graduating seniors are ineligible to participate in the course. Please answer the questions below and submit your responses. The entire survey should take no more 2 minutes.  
Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the LSAMP team at  

Interested in taking a GRE prep course? Sign up here.